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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Owen's new "talents"

It really amazes us how quickly our little boy is "growing up" or at least how quickly he's changing! Over the course of the last two weeks, he has really changed a lot. He started sleeping through the night consistently about 1 week ago! What a blessing that is! He is now very drooly - there seems to be a constant stream coming out of his mouth. He is also so much better at reaching for and grabbing toys. His favorites are link-a-do rings and his little friend "T" the turtle. He often will grab them and put them in his mouth too. And, if no toys are around, we'll often find him laying on his side (new too) sucking his hands and jabbering away. He's rolled over from his stomach to his back two times. Very fun! Amazing how much babies change in 3 1/2 months! We're really enjoying these new phases.


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